The treadmill sander: Work out in dust
Once upon a time I used to build electric guitars. I could barely play them, but I got pretty good at building them, or that's what people said...I had the privilege of owning a huge space (which was unusual for a hobbyist), that got filled with all kinds of jigs and machinery over time. Anyone who has ever did woodworking knows that half of the fun is building jigs, even if you barely use them!One such jig that I was particularly proud of was the treadmill sander.
I first got a perfectly working one super-cheap from a local ad. I then got rid of its base and handles, build a raised base out of square tube, and bolted the control unit right over the motor cover. Finally, I screwed a flat surface over the treadmill bed and ordered a custom-made big-ass sanding belt.

The thing is a beast. I recall someone in a forum commenting: "you could sand a whole door with it" and he was damn right! I later retro-fitted a fretboard sanding jig over it, which turned the chore of fretboard shaping into joy...