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Arkanoid Evo
The iconic arcade classic adapted for VR - Made with the awesome LÖVR framework.
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Reaffer is a ReaScript for Reaper, based on Ample Sound's riffer found in their guitar/bass VSTs.
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Quazatron Metal
Here's my tribute to one of the most underrated games for the ZX Spectrum. A metal cover of the fantastic title theme. It's been more than 30 years and I still remember the first time I've heard this tune. Timeless
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Tomb Raider 2D
It's been almost 25 years, but this Tomb Raider-2D-wannabe prototype is still sitting on my hard drive!
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Bubble Bobble platformer prototype
A Bubble Bobble platformer prototype I've made a couple of years ago in C++/SDL.
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The Hunter
A small tribute to the classic Predator movie. The fretboard inlay script is the Yautja language of the predator universe. It took countless hours to shape and put together those little pieces but it was worth the effort!
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Solomon's Key - Free, classic arcade remake
A remake of one of the most underrated classic games.
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GUI library for SDL
SDLUI is a bare bones GUI library made with SDL, for SDL, and written in a style that resembles SDL.
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Tire and wheel made with MoI
MoI (stands for Moment of Inspiration) is just great for modeling any kind of engineered surfaces.
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A concept of an 80's home computer case (fits modern ATX parts)
I'm tired of the modern lifeless PC computer cases. Each of the old home computers had a unique design and were instantly identifiable.The idea of having the case and keyboard fused into one part (like virtually every computer of the 8-bit/16-bit era) isn't practical nowadays, but I'd love if there was something like this on the market to satisfy my nostalgia.
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Window cleaner 3D model made with MoI
This was sitting on my desk the other day and it begged to be modeled.While MoI is meant for mechanical surfaces, it can do organic ones too.
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Dodge Challenger SRT made with Modo
One of my (many) favorite cars. I was learning MODO at the time and needed a project that would keep me motivated. What better than this?
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Bugatti Veyron made with MoI and Modo
A hybrid approach to 3D modeling (NURBS + SubD)
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Uzebox in a router enclosure
A couple of years ago I discovered a fantastic open-source video-game console called Uzebox.It was right when my son started attending the computer science department at University of Crete, so it seemed a nice time to do a hardware/software project together, and have fun in the process!
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The treadmill sander: Work out in dust
A treadmill turned into a huge sander to aid in building electric guitars. Why not?
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A texture tool for the Tomb Raider Level Editor, made with vb 6.0
A (very) old texture tool for the Tomb Raider Level Editor.
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Bee: a WIP open-source text editor
Despite still being a programming noob, I had a huge desire to write a text editor oriented towards source code editing.
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