VW Scirocco car model with MoI+Blender
Another car made with MoI + Blender which combines the power of NURBS & traditional SubD modelling. MoI was used to create a wire of curves and generate quad-shaped patches. These are then exported to Blender as a polygonal mesh and used as a reference model for re-topology. The nice thing about this workflow is that you get the best of both worlds: Easy creation and editing of NURBS curves, and the convenience of being able to tweak polygons.
A box volume with the desired dimensions is used in MoI to snap and align reference images

Following the reference a network of curves is created, making sure their end-points snap onto other curves to define quad areas

These are then used to generate patches that define the surfaces of the various panels

and setup for exporting to a polygonal mesh. Exporting N-gons mostly generates quad polygons with a nice flow

After importing to Blender, a new mesh is created for each panel and the created quads follow the general flow of the underlying model. With snapping enabled it's a breeze to create good topology, since most vertices snap into the underlying ones

Here's the finished car inside Blender

Some parts like the badges, logos, grill, wheels+tires and other details are then modeled directly in MoI, which is superior for these kinds of parts. In fact the wheel model I've done many years ago and re-used here

And here's some renderings of the finished car