Arkanoid Evo
The iconic arcade classic adapted for VR - Made with the awesome LÖVR framework.
Continue reading →Reaffer
Reaffer is a ReaScript for Reaper, based on Ample Sound's riffer found in their guitar/bass VSTs.
Continue reading →Tomb Raider 2D
It's been almost 25 years, but this Tomb Raider-2D-wannabe prototype is still sitting on my hard drive!
Continue reading →Bubble Bobble platformer prototype
A Bubble Bobble platformer prototype I've made a couple of years ago in C++/SDL.
Continue reading →Solomon's Key - Free, classic arcade remake
A remake of one of the most underrated classic games.
Continue reading →GUI library for SDL
SDLUI is a bare bones GUI library made with SDL, for SDL, and written in a style that resembles SDL.
Continue reading →A texture tool for the Tomb Raider Level Editor, made with vb 6.0
A (very) old texture tool for the Tomb Raider Level Editor.
Continue reading →Bee: a WIP open-source text editor
Despite still being a programming noob, I had a huge desire to write a text editor oriented towards source code editing.
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