Arkanoid Evo
The iconic arcade classic adapted for VR - Made with the awesome LÖVR framework.
Sometime ago I've made a clone of this classic, but even back then I had this idea of adapting it to VR. There were a few challenges moving from 2D to 3D: I wanted to keep the aesthetics of the original as much as possible, so it's all made with simple low-poly models, and the colors used were sampled from the original artwork. Instead of solid walls which would feel boring and claustrophobic in VR, you're placed inside a glass chamber "trapped in space" (as the story of the game suggests...). Well the walls used in the original are some kind of Sci-Fi pipes so I modeled those as the frame of this chamber, to keep with the theme. The paddle is the same tubular object as in the original but it would be too hard to hit a ball with this in VR. So it now has a circular semi-transparent kind of shield in front where the ball can bounce, to make the game easier. And then it's the room itself where the ball can move in the added dimension, making it hard to hit any bricks at all! So I made the bricks with an increased depth to help with that. The proportions/ratios of objects in the game are modeled after the original to try to keep the same feel.
All in all it was a fun project and It inspired me to try and adapt other classics to VR too.
You can find the source for the game on GitHub along with releases for PCVR and standalone headsets: